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Deepkamal Mall & Multiplex Surat
Deepkamal Mall the biggest Mall & Multiplex in Varachha, Surat. opened its gate to endless Discoveries on 2016. The defining feature of the mall is that it houses INOX (raj imperial) - one of the largest multiplexes in Surat. Covering the second level of Deepkamal Mall area is devoted to Hunger, the Food mall, large food court that can seat up to 1,000 people. The Family Entertainment Centre has something to thrill every member of the family. From games and entertainment for toddlers, the play zone sets a new standard for family entertainment.
Get information on all stores, brands, restaurants, entertainment, movies, offers, deals, events, discounts and sales at Deepkamal Shopping Mall & Multiplex in Varachha, Surat.
Buy the Amazon Echo, Saregama's Carvaan and the best portable speakers for music on the go!
Buy the best Action Cameras to capture that moment in an instant! Procus Rush, Yi 4K, GoPro!
The best offers on mobile phones! OnePlus 5, iPhone 7, Xiaomi Mix!
Deepkamal Mall & Multiplex Surat Floor Plans
Best Deals, Offers, Discounts, Sales in Deepkamal Mall & Multiplex Surat
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Black Friday Sale at Jack & Jones Monday, 23 November 2020 to Sunday, 29 November 2020 |
Stores in Deepkamal Mall & Multiplex Surat
0 : Ground Floor
Store No: 4,5,6,7 |